dentate band in Chinese
- 齿状回,齿状带
- "dentate" in Chinese : adj. 1.有牙齿的。 2.【植物;植物学】(叶子)锯 ...
- "band" in Chinese : n. 1.队,团,群;(盗贼等的)帮,伙。 2.(吹奏) ...
- "dentate" in Chinese : adj. 1.有牙齿的。 2.【植物;植物学】(叶子)锯齿状的。
- "ciliato-dentate" in Chinese : 具细锯齿的
- "dentate body" in Chinese : 齿状小体
- "dentate bur" in Chinese : 齿钻
- "dentate fissure" in Chinese : 海马裂
- "dentate fracture" in Chinese : 齿状骨者
- "dentate gyrus" in Chinese : 齿状核; 齿状回; 齿状圆
- "dentate incised" in Chinese : 具齿状缺刻的
- "dentate layer" in Chinese : 齿状层
- "dentate ligament" in Chinese : 齿状韧带
- "dentate line" in Chinese : 齿状线, 梳状线
- "dentate margin" in Chinese : 齿状加厚
- "dentate nuclei" in Chinese : 齿状核
"dentate" in Chinese, "dentate sill" in Chinese, "dentate layer" in Chinese, "dentate sinuate" in Chinese, "dentate nucleus" in Chinese, "dentate seta" in Chinese, "dentate ligament" in Chinese, "dentate line" in Chinese, "dentate fissure" in Chinese, "dentary center" in Chinese, "dentary germ" in Chinese, "dentata" in Chinese, "dentata; epistropheus; axis" in Chinese, "dentate body" in Chinese, "dentate body of cerebellum" in Chinese, "dentate body of medulla oblongata" in Chinese, "dentate bucket lip" in Chinese, "dentate bur" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of dentate band in Chinese and how to say dentate band in Chinese? dentate band Chinese meaning, dentate band的中文,dentate band的中文,dentate band的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by